FSNL Vigilance
Vigilance Department of FSNL handles all the vigilance matters of the company. This department is headed by Chief Vigilance Officer. He is assisted by DGM (Vigilance).
The main objective of the Vigilance Department is to develop transparent functioning environment without fear and favour by system improvement, watchfulness and by taking required preventive and punitive actions.
FSNL strives for and desires to reach its Customers and Principals for soliciting their feedback and expectations for the customer friendly and transparent functioning of FSNL. Suggestions, Grievances and Complaints will be dealt with all seriousness and all necessary steps would be taken for enhanced satisfaction and confidence.
Suggestions and Grievances can be given in writing and through e-mail also but Complaints should be given in writing only, giving full address and signature.
FSNL is making all possible efforts to make its working system transparent and customer friendly. We are sensitive to your problems, if any, faced with FSNL and solicit your suggestion for better functioning of FSNL and for your enhanced satisfaction. Suggestion can be made to any of the Unit Heads, General Managers, Chief Vigilance Officer and Managing Director.
If you have any grievance against any FSNL officials or any of the systems followed by FSNL, you are welcome to express your grievances clearly to any of the above officials so that they can be redressed in the best interest of yourself and FSNL.
If you observe that at any particular place any irregularities are going on or any of the officials of FSNL is indulged in corrupt practices, we request you to make a written and signed complaint to Chief Vigilance Officer and Managing Director as per your recess and perception. It is worthwhile to mention that any anonymous and pseudonymous complaints are not investigated. They are simply filed except in few exceptional cases where verifiable facts are given in the complaint and approval of CVC is taken. It is also given for your information that if you make a complaint under resolution of Public Interest Disclosure, your identity would be kept secret. For such a case, one should not give any reference of his identity in the main complaint letter because the complaint would be forwarded for investigation. The main complaint should be sent alongwith a forwarding letter duly signed giving your full identity. It is also given for your information that the complaint should not be mischievous/baseless and out of personal grudge. Against such complaints. Suitable legal action can be taken.

Dr Satish Kumar, Chief Vigilance Officer | Mecon Limited, Ranchi | 0651-2481354 | cvo-fsnl.cg@gov.in |
P S Thakur , D G M (Vigilance) | FSNL Bhawan, Central Avenue, Bhilai-490001(C.G.) | 0788-2222474 | prabhakar.thakur@fsnl.co.in |
B S S Srinivas , Jr. Manager (Vigilance) | FSNL Bhawan, Central Avenue, Bhilai-490001(C.G.) | 0788-2222474 | bss.srinivas@fsnl.co.in |
Moloy kumar Singh, Jr. Manager(P&A) Burnpur Unit | Post Bag No.20, Inside ISP’s Works Premises, Burnpur-713325 (W.B) | 0341-2240955 | moloy.singh@fsnl.co.in |
P K Mohnaty, Sr.Manager(P&A) Rourkela unit | Post Box No. 19, Inside RSP’s Works Premises, Rourkela-769011(Orissa) | 0661-2510219 | pk.mohanty@fsnl.co.in |
Atul Kumar Singh, Sr. Manager (P&A) Bokaro Unit | Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited, Post Bag No.19, Bokaro, Jharkhand, 827-001. | 06542-247416, 2220423 | atul.singh@fsnl.co.in |
Sharda Prasad Agrahari Gupta, Asst. Manager Vizag unit | Post Box No. 25, Inside VSP’s Works Premises, Visakhapatnam-530031(A.P) | 0891-2518213 | sharda.prasad@fsnl.co.in |
R P Rathore, Dy. Manager (P&A) Durgapur unit | Post Bag No. 8, Inside DSP’s Works Premises, Durgapur-713203(W.B) | 0343-2583159 | rp.rathore@fsnl.co.in |